Hiho! Welcome to the home of the laziest Mercanary: Gelgameth
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This is the central tower o' links, this'll take you to any section that you want to go to.
Fan fic section
Take a wild guess what this is
>updated<My stuff
My stories and other junk like that
My art
My own exceptional artwork
Art and Fan Art
Art by other people!"
Records and updates
This is where I chart all changes and updates to my site
About me
Me, me, and all you never wanted to know about me.
Links section
My links section, if I like a site it goes here
My message board
A place for friendly chat and other crap like that :)

Last updated: 03/19/2000

You Wanna E-mail me? Wow, Cool! Eh you just wanna know where the complaint department is don'tcha? Oh well Here's my E-maill Addy:
All site related(as in non-friendly chat) stuff must go to:

This site is made with:
Corel Draw
Notepad(Yup! I'm HTML savy!)
And a computer

MegaMan, MegaMan X and all related characters a copyrighted porperty of Capcom and this site is in no way affiliated with Capcom. I am not selling or claiming ownership of any Capcom created characters so don't sue me, my funds are insufiscient for such action.
All Midis on this site are from ROCKMAN'S WORLD the site for RockMan midis unless otherwise specified, I will later post who wrote which Midi. All original characters are property of their prospective owners.

This site is a proud member of
ZeroxPheonix's Mega Man X and Zero Webring

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also a very very proud member of:
ZeroX Gold's Mega Man Web Ring

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